The above game is used by Master’s degree students (Program of Cybersecurity) at the Open University of Cyprus (OUC). This is a first-person virtual Escape Room game where students become “hackers” and apply their Cybersecurity knowledge to get clues and open doors. One of the unique characteristics of the project is that the game actually connects to a Cyber Range platform (VM) via in-game computers and thus, students have a real hands-on cyber security training. Upon successful assignment completion or upon finding in-game clues, they acquire passwords that let them escape. The game includes pre-defined random gameobject spawning and password generation each time a student plays the game; external video streaming and file encryption/decryption on StreamingAssets folder. User data and objective completion are automatically emailed to faculty. Cyber Escape Room feature a SinglePlayer and a competitive Multiplayer mode.
Made with:
1) Pappas, S. Stavrou, A. Peratikou, J. Siegel, K. Politopoulos, C. Christodoulides “Cyber Escape Room: An educational 3D Escape Room game within a Cyber Range Training Realm” In proceedings of INTED2020 conference
2) Peratikou, G. Pappas “Cyber Escape Room: Integrating Gamification in Moodle”, MoodleMoot Greece-Cyprus 2020
Digital Education at Cyprus Education Leader Awards 2020